Time Blocking- Life’s Guide to More Productivity

Productivity is one thing that we all could use more of, especially me. I find that the busier I am, the more productive I continue to be. How can that be?

Well, I am about to spill my guts out to you guys on what I do to make my weeks more productive and to save time (maybe even gain some time) for you busy working ladies, moms, working moms, basically if you need more time in your life this post is for you.

Planning Ahead

One major thing that so many people complain about when talking about not having enough time is that he or she “hates planning ahead”. What if something changes?! What if something comes up? What if little Timmy gets sick… the list goes on and on and on. 

Here’s the thing and this post may be a little blunt, so I’m sorry (ahead of time) if I offend you, but life happens and things will change. When you plan ahead you leave enough room in the schedule to adjust and go with the flow. 

Planning ahead doesn’t mean that you are stuck to that plan no matter what happens. We’re humans! Every one makes errors and you need to have a mind set that things can happen.

Right now I have my life “planned” through the new year! Holy cow!

Color Coding

When creating a plan I take a full month calendar and write down my work schedules first. Working at the boutique is one color and my Mary Kay is another color. That gets done first along with church functions because those are the most important things to me. 

After I fill in fun things, family events, weddings, bachelorette parties, or anything else that I deem important to put into play, then I go to my planner and color code each day of the week during the hours that I am busy. If I have a “free” hour, it is blue for my family time.

Time Blocking

I know that this is what you’ve been looking for (via the title is time blocking). This system may change according to how each household works. With a new baby coming in February, this schedule is subject to change quite soon!

 Things go so much more smoothly when I use my time blocking system than when I don’t. If you know me well, you know that I’m not always the best at keeping to a system, but I continue to find myself going back to this system after a few months of being system “free”. 

Create a Routine

It is important to have a routine that you pretty-much always follow each week. I know what I’m doing every Monday, same with Tuesday through Sunday. Each week looks almost exactly the same with some tweaks. My brain doesn’t have to strain and think about what I’m doing each day! It’s awesome!

Sit Down Each Week

I suggest you take an hour or so each week to review what happened and what was adjusted during the week you just finished. I choose to sit down on Sunday afternoons after my scheduled nap, and before I meal prep for the week.

After I review my week prior, I look at the week coming up. What can I adjust for this week already after reviewing what happened last week? What events have been canceled, rescheduled, or added since first creating the weekly plan? I make the adjusted changes and then continue on with my weekly plan.

When I create my plan I make sure that I have at least 2 hours for things that I’m going to need to concentrate on. For example, when Rachael and I meet to talk about the store we know we will need more than one hour a week. We also know that we both have other things going on so we plan two hours each week to talk. 

Do Similar Tasks Together

One thing that I have found working two of my own businesses is that if I have a similar task in one business or the other. I spend 2 hours doing that instead of doing a little bit each day. For example, when I blog I block off half of a day of my working hours so that I can stay in one head space. I tend to get a lot more done and have better ideas!

I do the same with meal prepping, laundry, cleaning, etc. However, right now in my household I can do this. I know it’s not possible in every household. Just something to try sometime if you can! 🙂

Meal Prep

I set aside Sunday afternoon to meal prep for the whole week. It actually doesn’t take as long as it would sound. If I spend 5 hours making meals for the whole week that means I have lunches and suppers done for the next 5-6 days for Anthony and I. This way I make a huge mess one time, and clean up dishes from cooking one time per week. It saves me time throughout the week because I’m not always cleaning up after my own cooking!

“Me” Time

I also set aside 2 extra hours each morning for myself. I wake up 2 hours earlier than I “need” to and exercise, read, do my daily devotion, journal, and have my “me” time. I also might do some paperwork in my office that can be done at any time so I’m not taking away from my income producing time.

I find that doing this each and every day improves my mood, which makes me more productive during the week because I feel good about myself and am ready to get to work!

I know that some of this may seem impossible, but if you start to time block try it for at least one month! Like I said before, I have found that my businesses are more productive, my relationship is better with my husband, and I am in an increasingly better mood during the week. 

Please feel free to ask me any questions about my specific schedule and routines during the week if you are interested! Email us at eveninthemidwest@gmail.com and put “Weekly Routine” in the subject line so that we know the question is for me. 🙂

What productivity tips do you ladies have for me?!


About The Author
